Thank You and Goodbye Jim Rohn
On December 5, 2009 the world lost a great mentor, philosopher, and coach.
Over the past 46 years, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives through his seminars, books, articles, CDs, and DVDs. I was one of those millions. Jim has had a hand in shaping my destiny, just has he has done for countless others.
Jim trained and profoundly infuenced many of the most influential personal development coaches of our time - including Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, and Mark Victor Hansen just to name a few.
If you haven't heard of Jim, it's not too late. You can still learn from his books, CDs and DVD programs at Jim's website.
For those of you who have been touched by Jim, here's a trip down memory lane. For those of you who have yet to be touched by Jim, here's a brief taste from his smorgasboard of wisdom...
An exerpt from "How To Have Your Best Year Ever" (1 of 3):
An exerpt from "How To Have Your Best Year Ever" (2 of 3):
An exerpt from "How To Have Your Best Year Ever" (3 of 3):
How to Avoid Being Broke and Stupid:
3 Keys To Greatness, Four Questions to Ponder
Thank you Jim, for touching our lives deeply in so many profound ways. Thank you for sharing so much so unselfishly. Thank you for having such an impact, for being such a force for good.
We will miss Jim. Jim's work work will ive on in our hearts, our minds and our work so eloquently inspired by his teachings.
Have have you been touched by Jim Rohn? What have you learned from Jim or his programs? If you could say one thing to Jim Rohn, what would that be?
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